About us – brand story to help people identify with the company
- Vision / Mission / History – who is the company, what’s the company about, story about the foundation of the company, history, success stories, lessons learned etc
- Meet the team – overview of team structure, who’s who, a team photo
- Team member profiles – an individual profile of each team member, photo, story about them and how they got to be part of the team, their role in the company, special skills, how long they have been on board. Perhaps their contact information if they’re involved with sales or direct client service.
Contact Us
- Map
- Contact form
- Contact information and physical address of each branch
- What you do
- List of services and descriptions. Please provide us a list of services that you offer and a description of each service. Think of what photos would communicate each service effectively.
- Maybe before and after photos if relevant.
- Words are great for search engines, but photos are great for consumers as people very easily skip the words and end up looking at the photos.
Product(for ecommerce sites)
- List of initial products
- Product name and description
- Selling price if available
- Image of the product
- List of initial brand names
- Logo of each brand
- List of initial product categories
- Previous projects
- Examples of work completed
- Staff events
- Client name
- Description of services rendered
Website Images
- Prepare large high resolution images for the slider, preferably related to products or services
Blog / News feed
- Please prepare some initial posts that we can include for when the site goes live.
- Blog posts are a great way to share information with your clients(prospective clients) and also increase the keyword value of your site. I highly recommend spending time drafting content that we can have ready to publish on the site. We can even pre-draft the content and then publish it in the future so that visitors to the site can see there is new content being loaded.
- Content ideas
- Helpful hints and tips
- Client success stories
- If you have any customer stories or use cases that clients would not mind you sharing, please put these together to be published. All use cases will assist in framing the companies core skills and success stories.
- Do it yourself guides
- How-tos: short articles on how to do something using your products and or services(any one of the technologies your team is familiar with)
- Anything else that people might find interesting or helpful relating to your industry and expertise
- Product intro videos: A video(on youtube or vimeo) as well as a post with some photos and a story about a new product or a product you have tested. This could then link to the product page on your site so people can buy it immediately after reading the review.
- Brand launches: each time you add a new brand to the store you could write an announcement to let people know that you will now be stocking a new range of products and give people an idea of what to expect in the near future.
- Internal events: publish posts of staff parties or team building events, this is to share the companies story and help the public identify with the brand and get to know the team. This is also a good way for potential employees to get to know the company, if you ever start a recruitment drive.
- Discussion or opinion pieces on industry events and technology
Customer testimonials and/or References
- Any customer references that we can use on the site
- Even just a sentence from a happy client would be great
- Ideally we should use
- Client Name and Surname
- Client Business name
- The message / sentence from them / testimonial
- Photo of the client
Community Involvement
- Charities you/the company support
- Community initiatives or engagements you are involved in
- Think about having a careers section, listing open positions
All websites, especially those with online shopping and user accounts need to have policies that describe how they handle user data. Here are some of the policies that you should prepare.
- Terms of use policy
- Privacy policy
- Refunds policy
- Returns policy
- Promotion of Access to Information Act Manual/Procedures
Website Images
We recommend avoiding the use of stock photography and rather use original images, as it provides a more authentic and real feel.
You could however source good quality images for free from: https://unsplash.com/ or https://www.flickr.com/photos/wocintechchat/.